Seeking Best & Brightest
Summer Intern Program *
“CDH Investments Summer Intern Program” has a history of 17 years. Every year, this program attracts elite students from various schools. They join CDH through the summer intern program and grow together with CDH. We believe that CDH’s platform can help students achieve extraordinary growth, create personal valueand create long-term value for both the individual and the firm.
Project Intern Recruitment
We hope to recruit professionals in various fields for CDH Investment, and promote a diversified, creative and dynamic working environment.
Create an All-round “Future Star Investor”
You can master practical basic skills and get business knowledge training
You will research hot industries with professional investors and industry giants
You will participate in the complete process to develop investment projects
You will work in a super team and sound working environment
Seeking Best & Brightest
“CDH Investments Summer Intern Program” has a history of 17 years. Every year, this program attracts elite students from various schools. They join CDH through the summer intern program and grow together with CDH. We believe that CDH’s platform can help students achieve extraordinary growth, create personal valueand create long-term value for both the individual and the firm.
We hope to recruit professionals in various fields for CDH Investment, and promote a diversified, creative and dynamic working environment.
Create an All-round “Future Star Investor”
You can master practical basic skills and get business knowledge training
You will research hot industries with professional investors and industry giants
You will participate in the complete process to develop investment projects
You will work in a super team and sound working environment environment